One Web Day

Friday is the first OneWebDay, a global awareness event to "create, maintain, advance and promote a global day to celebrate online life".

According to the event's website, virtual celebrations will be held in the "Second Life" online game, and there will be real celebrations around the globe. The world's largest online photo collaboration is also being attempted by WebShots, a photo-sharing facility.

"The Internet has become such a ubiquitous force in our lives that it's easy to forget how it has changed the world," said OneWebDay founder, Susan Crawford, associate professor at the Cardozo School of Law, on Monday.

"We shouldn't take the Internet for granted, and we should do everything we can to make it more visible to people around the globe. OneWebDay provides an opportunity to celebrate the Web, both online and in public events in cities around the world," she continued.

Other webby personalities to get involved in OneWebDay include Craig Newmark of and Drew Schutte of Wired magazine, while a Friday celebration in Boston will honour the biggest Internet personality of all, World Wide Web pioneer Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

The organisers have suggested a variety of ways in which to participate, including making an entry for your neighbourhood on Wikipedia, showing your grandmother how to blog, running a virtual meeting for your home-working colleagues and teaching your boss how to use instant messaging.

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